for enrichment
Rue du Marché-Neuf 30
2502 Bienne
032 346 50 50
032 346 50 59

Our long, successful track record supports this finding in an impressive manner. For decades, NUM has been a trusted supplier of solutions for the standard machine market. We will continue to utilize the openess of our systems to offer customers in this segment a competitive advantage. We will also make the necessary investments needed in R&D to ensure our standard features and functions meet the requirements of this market now and in the future.

As an international company headquartered in Switzerland, we have worldwide sales, application development and service locations (see map). The flexibility and openness of our products allows us to be geographically near to the machine manufacturer to provide engineering services necessary for his specialties respectively. Our R&D facilities are located in Switzerland, France and Italy, where we also have our major manufacturing facility.

Our main CNC hardware production facility is located in Italy. It is our clearly defined strategy that we keep the control over the development and manufacture of the core products in the CNC system, including the drives and motors, in our hands, so that we remain capable to continuously improve the overall performance of a CNC system. Beyond our catalog offering, with the support of NUM’s engineering services, we are also able to propose third party products, for the realization of your unique solutions. This is done in close cooperation with our partners, which makes NUM a provider of highend CNC solutions – where customers actually get everything from one source. The success of our partners and customers is our metric for success and the direct justification of our position in the market.